Change your Mindset, Change Your Results

    Foundations Workshops

    Do you want more from your personal life?

    • Experience happier, more fulfilling relationships
    • Express yourself authentically
    • Love and accept others – and yourself
    • Identify and live your purpose
    • Free yourself from thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that sabotage your success.


    How about better results in your professional life?

    • Communicate better with your colleagues and clients
    • Reduce team conflict… and resolve clashes faster
    • Command respect as a leader
    • Get buy-in from others for your vision
    • Increase team motivation, passion and morale

    Foundations' Flagship Workshops

    Impact Workshops: Look At Yourself

    We all have things in our lives that are working well, and other things that have us stuck. The things that have you stuck represent emotional “baggage” that you carry around with you. Impact Workshops are designed to help you jettison that baggage. Then you will use your new emotional “space” to decide what you want more of in your life.

    Our workshops are experiential, meaning that you will be learning by doing. Lectures are kept to a bare minimum.

    Foundations Impact Workshops are conducted over two extended weekends. The first weekend is called Climb and is focused on you: What do you want and what’s keeping you from getting it? The second weekend is called Flight is focused on you out in the world: What kind of relationships do you want and how do you cultivate them?

    You must attend Climb in order to attend Flight. It is not necessary to attend Flight after you’ve attended Climb (but we highly recommend it!)

    Who's In Charge Here?

    Our Facilitation Team

    Many programs rely on a single individual to be the “guru.” We don’t work like that. Instead, we have an entire team of facilitators to help guide you, each with their unique skills relevant to the material they present.

    Although each of us who staff our workshops are volunteers, that doesn’t mean there’s a lack of experience! Many of us are credentialed and have facilitated for ten, even twenty years and have presented in more than 100 workshops.

    Less experienced facilitators lead small groups, while our “core team” of experienced staffers lead the group as a whole from the front of the room and act as supervisors and facilitation team leaders.

    we love them, and they love our workshops!

    what our Participants have to say

    The Next Step Is In Your Hands

    what can we do for you?

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