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Loma Linda, CA Impact 1: Climb (Fri. 9:45am – Sun. 6:30pm)Date/TimeDate(s) - 08/08/2025 - 08/10/2025 All Day |
Loma Linda, CA Climb Fri. 9:45am-9pm; Sat. 9am-9pm; Sun. 9am-6:30pm.
Life rewards action.
It is nearly impossible to make a choice to do something different to not have an effect on our life in some way.
Even by dipping your toe into the water of a still lake it will send a ripple across the whole lake. Go ahead, jump in (or just stick your toe in).
If you attend the entire Climb weekend and don’t find value for yourself, see us before you leave at the end of the workshop on Sunday and we will happily refund your registration fee.
We are always excited to see the positive results that are created by our Climb participants and I can’t wait to see what yours are.
Participant Agreement and Release of Liability
Foundations for Tomorrow, Inc. ("Foundations") presents self-development and personal growth workshops (collectively, the "Program") founded upon research and techniques that are shared by many other similar or analogous organizations and that have benefited many thousands of individuals over many years. The Program is intended to teach you tools and methods for building healthy relationships and break through old patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Through a series of open and rigorous discussions, voluntary sharing of one's own experiences, and interactive and experiential exercises, the Program provides an opportunity for you to examine your life, reflect on your happiness and/or pain, seek answers to questions or issues that may have followed you through life, set new goals and strengthen and improve your overall quality of life.Although most people find these exercises to be engaging, challenging, and rewarding, some may find them to be difficult and unsettling. The Program is designed for people who clearly understand they are responsible for their own health and well-being before, during and after the Program. It is not therapeutic in design, intent or methodology and is not to be used as a substitute for medical treatment, psychotherapy or health program of any nature, regardless of what you may believe or have heard from anyone. We advise you that the Program leaders, staff and volunteers who assist at the Program are not accredited mental or physical health professionals and there will not be any accredited mental or physical health professionals in attendance (or if they are in attendance, they are not acting in their official professional roles). As with any serious undertaking in life, you should take the time now to determine whether or not you are physically, mentally, and emotionally prepared to engage completely in the exercises.
While it is ultimately your own voluntary choice, Foundations STRONGLY RECOMMENDS THAT YOU SHOULD NOT PARTICIPATE in the Program without first seeking out and following advice from a physician or accredited mental health professional (as applicable) if you: (a) have a personal history of bipolar affective disorder (manic-depressive disorder), schizophrenia, acute or chronic major depression or other psychotic disorder, whether or not you are being or have ever been treated or hospitalized; (b) are or have in the past year considered or had ideas of suicide, self-harm or harm to another; (c) have not been feeling well or have been meaning to see a physician or a mental health professional; or (d) are uncertain about your physical, mental or emotional ability to participate in the Program.
If you are currently in therapy for any reason, it is imperative that you check with your therapist to determine whether they see a reason why you should not participate in the Program. You should also continue to see your therapist after you participate in the program. Upon request, Foundations staff is available to speak with you and/or your therapist to enable you and/or your therapist to make an informed recommendation or decision about your participation. This is an important step, as you and/or your therapist may not know enough about the Program without first speaking to Foundations.
Should you choose to participate in the Program, and as a result, experience any physical, mental, or emotional discomfort which you consider to be out of the ordinary and/or disturbing, you agree to inform a Program supervisor. You may, of course, withdraw from the Program at any time.
Because Foundations is an in-person, interactive program, you will be in close contact with other participants. This increases the risk of exposure to certain communicable diseases (such as COVID, flu, etc). Please proactively take whatever precautions you feel are necessary to safeguard your own health and the health of those you may be in contact with after the program.
With all this in mind, we ask that you agree to the following Release, Waiver, and Indemnification Agreement (the "Release").
RELEASE, WAIVER, AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT: I HEREBY COVENANT AND AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND SAVE HARMLESS FOUNDATIONS FOR TOMORROW, INC. AND ITS DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, VOLUNTEERS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS (COLLECTIVELY, THE "RELEASEES") FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, DAMAGES, LOSSES, INJURIES, LIABILITY, COST AND EXPENSES SUFFERED OR INCURRED BY ANY OF THE RELEASEES DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, BY REASON OF, AS A RESULT OF, ARISING OUT OF, OR IN CONNECTION WITH, MY PARTICIPATION IN THIS PROGRAM AND ACTIVITIES. I HEREBY FURTHER AGREE TO RELEASE AND FOREVER DISCHARGE, ACQUIT, AND COVENANT NOT TO COMMENCE LITIGATION AGAINST ANY OF THE RELEASEES FOR ALL ACTIONS, OMISSIONS, LEGAL DAMAGES, OR EQUITABLE RELIEF OF WHATEVER KIND, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, NEGLIGENCE BY ANY OF THE RELEASEES, ARISING OUT OF MY PARTICIPATION IN THIS PROGRAM AND RELATED ACTIVITIES. In the event that anyone on my behalf commences an action against any of the Releasees, I hereby forfeit and waive any damages that may be awarded against any of the Releasees. I further agree that any claim or suit of any nature against the Releasees shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Oregon without reference to conflict of law principles and that any such suit may only be brought in the courts of Oregon. As liquidated damages, I hereby agree to reimburse the Releasees all of their costs, expenses, and legal fees should I, or should anyone on my behalf, bring any action requiring any of the Releasees to defend itself. Should any paragraph or part of this Release be deemed unenforceable, I hereby agree that any remaining parts shall remain in full force and effect. I hereby acknowledge and agree that no representations, warranties, or guarantees have been made by any of the Releasees with respect to my achieving any objectives.
I have read the Disclaimer notice above, considered the consequences, consulted with my mental health professional if appropriate, and based thereon, believe that I am physically, mentally and emotionally able to participate in Foundations Impact Workshops program.